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One Stop English and Humanities Shop

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Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.




Unique resources created by an experienced Secondary English and History teacher. These are academically rigorous resources that target children between 13 and 18 years of age.
12 Essential English – Hero and Villain Pop Culture Unit – Modified Film review resources for QCIA

12 Essential English – Hero and Villain Pop Culture Unit – Modified Film review resources for QCIA

Resources designed with QCIA (special needs) students in mind. These students were encouraged to choose The Incredibles. The resource includes a QCIA task sheet, a word bank and a cloze passage (to assist the Teacher’s Aide to prompt student to develop their own response). The student this was designed for was at a grade 3-4 level. Context: A lesson designed for use in a 12 Essential English classroom in Queensland, Australia as part of Unit 4: “Representations and popular culture texts.” During this unit students learned about Hero and Villain films and how filmmakers use cinematic techniques to portray them and create an intended message. Their assessment at the end of this unit was to write a 4-6 minute multimodal (speech) to be delivered live or pre-recorded reviewing one of the three films shown within the unit.
Hospitality Studies – Celebrity Chef Unit – Viewing an episode of Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam

Hospitality Studies – Celebrity Chef Unit – Viewing an episode of Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam

A free worksheet used for watching Season 2, Episode 1 of Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam (available on Click View – if your school is a member). In Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam, the popular chef explores the country of his heritage, cooking up an abundance of dishes from this much-loved cuisine. In this episode, Luke explores the food and culture of Hue, home to the ruling Emperors of the 17th century in central Vietnam. The recipes prepared In this episode are available on the SBS website. Resources designed for use in an 11 Hospitality Practices class in Australia (2019 curriculum). My school has 70-minute lessons. (2 x theory and 1 x prac).
Nineteen-Eighty Four: Practice Exam (Essay prompts)

Nineteen-Eighty Four: Practice Exam (Essay prompts)

3 practice exam booklets for use in classes so that students can develop their assessment literacy. These could be used as a mock exam and then students could give each other feedback (in a peer review). Each paper has a front cover for students to fill in, instructions (including planning time + time allowed to write a response), a list of the assessment objectives, 2 questions for students to respond to (they select one), planning space & lined paper on which to write their response. Resources designed for the new senior General English syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in this text.
Nineteen-Eighty-Four: Lesson Reviewing Aesthetic Features

Nineteen-Eighty-Four: Lesson Reviewing Aesthetic Features

A PowerPoint presentation designed for use in a Grade 12 English class. it was designed to prepare the students for their external exam (where they have to write an essay in response to a question / statement about the text). The lesson includes: • A quick quiz (11 questions) to establish prior knowledge (answers pop up when clicked) • An explanation of language features (with examples provided). Terms included: paradox, oxymoron, allusion, binary oppositions, portmanteau, motif, metaphor, extended metaphors (aka conceit), personification, simile, symbolism, • Information about the following techniques in Nineteen Eighty Four: allusion, binary oppositions, portmanteaus, symbolism, • A language features quiz to check for understanding (6 questions) Bonus resource: A word document table for assigning students a specific chapter to analyse (to contribute to the Class One Note) Resources designed for the new senior General English syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in this text.
Nineteen-Eighty Four: Lesson unpacking Book 1, Chapters 1-5

Nineteen-Eighty Four: Lesson unpacking Book 1, Chapters 1-5

A PowerPoint presentation designed for use in a Grade 12 English class. It includes: • A summary of Chapter 1 and screen shots from the movie to illustrate key characters and locations • Important things to note about chapter 1 • Notes about how Orwell developed the setting (including quotes) • Information about surveillance and the ministries • Details about the protagonist Winston Smith and his diary • Important people that we meet in this chapter – Julia and O’Brien • The small distractions available to citizens – Victory Gin & Victory Cigarettes • The answers to the Ch 1 questions in the student work booklet (also available in my store) • A summary of Chapter 2 (including info about the junior spies) • Information about Hitler Youth (who were likely the inspiration for the junior spies in the novel) • Answers to the Ch 2 questions • A summary of Chapter 3 • Information about the Panopticon (18th Century) which may have influenced Orwell • Answers to the Ch 3 questions • A summary of Chapter 4 • Answers to Ch 4 questions • A summary of Chapter 5 • Answers to Ch 5 questions • A map showing Oceania, Eastasia and Eurasia • Some character profiles (to check what information students have located thus far) Resources designed for the new senior General English syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in this text.
Nineteen-Eighty-Four: Student work booklet

Nineteen-Eighty-Four: Student work booklet

A 30-page booklet designed for Grade 12 students studying George Orwell’s Nineteen-Eighty-Four. It includes: • a character map, • a list of themes, motifs, symbols, moral issues • a series of graphic organisers for students to organise their notes about 6 themes, 6 specified symbols, • a table to record noticeable values, attitudes, beliefs and cultural assumptions • a place to record important terms (glossary) including: newspeak terms; context terms; unfamiliar terms • a table to record key details about each character and several important settings (names pre filled) • a diagram showing the societal structure of Oceania • a table to record the purpose of each of the four ministries • places to record significant aesthetic features and stylistic devices (language features & text structures) • a set of chapter questions for all 3 ‘books’ and post reading questions and activities Teaching tip: to save on printing, the chapter questions can be removed and added to a Class One Note / other online location. Resources designed for the new senior General English syllabus (implemented in QLD in 2019). The syllabus objectives would also be useful more broadly for English students in other states and countries with an interest in this text.
Social and Community Studies - Gender and Identity - Exam criteria and assessment literacy

Social and Community Studies - Gender and Identity - Exam criteria and assessment literacy

Part of a set of resources created for a senior Social & Community studies class in Australia (QCAA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. The end of term assessment for this unit was a 90 minute short response examination. A PowerPoint for an assessment literacy lesson where students learn more about their upcoming exam including word limits and the communication skills needed for the exam. Students are given a copy of the ‘I can’ statements which shows what an A, B & C looks like for each of the criteria. This is followed by focused teaching around Criteria 1.1 (how to write thorough definitions). This begins with explaining what a definition is and what makes a good definition. It also unpacks what makes a definition bad. Then a sample definition for ‘Gender Identity’ is provided using the four quadrant method (modelled response). Students are informed they will complete their own definition for ‘domestic’ at the end of the lesson after viewing a range of informative videos about this issue. ‘I can’ statements handout which breaks down the criteria into simple terms for students to understand (also assists teachers to mark the assessment with ease)
Ned Kelly English Unit - Reading Chapter 3 of Black Snake (focusing on ‘One Stray Bullet’)

Ned Kelly English Unit - Reading Chapter 3 of Black Snake (focusing on ‘One Stray Bullet’)

Part of a set of resources created for a year 7 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced). The focus text is ‘Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly’ by Carole Wilkinson. 1) The lesson PowerPoint Discuss that ‘One Stray Bullet’ is one of the passages that students can choose for their written literary transformation {imaginative recount / short story}. Read this excerpt and make predictions about what the various characters would have done after this event {aka the Fitzpatrick incident}. Discuss the use of foreshadowing in the title. Discussion questions about the various characters’ viewpoints follow. There are also some short response (comprehension / analysis) questions for students to respond to. The remainder of the slides sum up the rest of the events in Chapter 3. There are video clips to cater to visual learners. 2) Handout - ‘One Stray Bullet’ excerpt of Black Snake 3) Week two and three spelling words handout (24 words per week).
Ned Kelly English Unit - Narrative features + reading Black Snake Chapter 2

Ned Kelly English Unit - Narrative features + reading Black Snake Chapter 2

Part of a set of resources created for a year 7 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced). The focus text is ‘Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly’ by Carole Wilkinson. 1) Lesson PowerPoint The PowerPoint begins with teaching students some important features of narratives as students will be writing a short story {aka imaginative recount} for their first assessment task. There are slides on how to write in first person and the difference between first person and third person. The use of full stops to create short, sharp sentences in narratives (and the effect of this technique) is explored. As a class read the ‘what if you were there?’ section at the beginning of chapter 2. There are 5 ‘quick quiz’ questions and some discussion questions {related to the assessment}. An introduction to key narrative features {point of view, contrast & juxtaposition} with examples from what we just read. There are tips about how to write dialogue in a narrative and punctuate it correctly. There is some information about considering the aesthetic and social value of texts (to be discussed). Students read the remainder of Chapter 2. Finally foreshadowing is discussed with an example from Chapter 2. 2) A handout to be used in conjunction with the PowerPoint.
Ned Kelly English Unit - Language features in Black Snake + reading the rest of Chapter 1

Ned Kelly English Unit - Language features in Black Snake + reading the rest of Chapter 1

Part of a set of resources created for a year 7 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - Aussie_Resources. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced). The focus text is ‘Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly’ by Carole Wilkinson. 1) Lesson PowerPoint The beginning of the PowerPoint introduces students to some of the key language features used in the novel Black Snake with definitions, examples and examples from Black Snake. The language features are colloquialisms, idioms, figurative language {similes / metaphors} & descriptive language {adjectives.} Afterwards there are some comprehension questions. Afterwards we look at a picture book – ‘Ned Kelly and the Green Sash’ written by Mark Greenwood and illustrated by Frane Lessac. As we read the story, students are encouraged to think about the language and visual features used and the effects they create in telling the story. Afterwards, the students can read the remainder of chapter 1 filling in the retrieval chart. If there is time at the end, there is a slide about how to identify factual information from evaluative language and a slide summing up the events in chapter 1. 2) A retrieval chart for students to summarise what they have learned while reading Chapter 1.
Ned Kelly English Unit - Black Snake - Colonial Australia and reading part of chapter 1

Ned Kelly English Unit - Black Snake - Colonial Australia and reading part of chapter 1

Part of a set of resources created for a year 7 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons. The focus text is ‘Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly’ by Carole Wilkinson. 1) A PowerPoint for a lesson designed for the introductory phase of a 7 English unit on Ned Kelly. It is designed to provide context (teach students what Australia was like during Ned Kelly’s lifetime). By the end of the lesson, students should be able to explain what you think life would have been like for early settlers (and add some key points to the ‘L’ section of their KWL chart). There are slides on: what men and women wore, the various social groups {convicts/ex convicts, free settlers, selectors, squatters, troopers & hawkers}, bushrangers, transportation, housing and housekeeping, common foods, lifestyle, the gold rush and tools/resources. The slides include descriptions and images. Subsequently, students glue in the character table (retrieval chart) and begin reading the ‘What if you were there’ section at the opening of Chapter 1 of Black Snake. They should be recording key details about the various characters they come across as they read. The students should also be developing novel-specific vocabulary – keeping a track of any slang words, idioms or other language features we notice as they read. There are 3 checking for understanding questions at the end. 2) Character Retrieval chart (handout)
Ned Kelly English Unit - Black Snake - Unit Introduction

Ned Kelly English Unit - Black Snake - Unit Introduction

Part of a set of resources created for a year 7 English class in Australia (ACARA syllabus). The other resources are also available in my store - lrigb4. Designed for use in 70 minute lessons (with extra activities as a back up if the class is advanced). A PowerPoint designed to engage students / excite them as they ‘tune in’ to the new unit. It includes: a review of my classroom expectations (as well as the positive and negative consequences). Some interesting facts about Ned Kelly. Some questions about the front and back cover of the novel Black Snake: The Daring of Ned Kelly’ by Carole Wilkinson. After getting the students to make predictions about the novel, they complete a K-W-L chart about what they already know about Ned Kelly and what they would like to know. Subsequently we go through what the two assessments for the term will be. We then review some important parts of the novel and how they work (contents, a map of Kelly Country and the Introduction). Some info about the language features in the novel is provided as well as a spelling list of 24 words taken from the novel and ACARA’s English glossary. Students will define these for homework throughout the week. Some extra information is included at the end of the PowerPoint if you happen to finish early. 2)** A handout containing the map, contents, intro and spelling words.**
Worksheet - An Introduction to studying poetry

Worksheet - An Introduction to studying poetry

Do you fear teaching students about poetry because of how you learned about poets in school? Are you new to teaching poetry and want some ideas of where to start? If so this could be the resource for you. This lesson is the first of many created to teach learners to appreciate poems, analyse poems and write poems of their own. Each of these worksheets has been made after consulting numerous texts about best practice pedagogy and each includes links to other resources you may find helpful (see reference list). This worksheet can be used as a one on one tutoring resource. Alternatively, you can take activities from here to use in a PowerPoint lesson, as fast finishers or homework activities. It includes a definition of poetry, some of the reasons people write poems and the effects poetry can have on the reader. It goes back to the basics of grammar looking at how poets use adjectives, nouns, verbs and prepositions to convey meaning. Example poems are provided for students to identify these devices in. Other poems are provided along with comprehension questions to help students see the importance of reading to glean meaning. There is also a section on tone which provides students with a list of words to describe the tones of various texts and activities to check for student understanding. Finally, it includes a vocabulary building and spelling activity for fast finishers.
Writing Advice - how to write more effectively

Writing Advice - how to write more effectively

This 9-page booklet/resource provides 8 tips to improve your writing. These can be applied to a range of text types including narratives, essays and newspaper articles. Each tip comes with examples, activities or a suggested word bank for students to try to incorporate in their writing going forward.
Worksheet - the difference between objective and subjective texts

Worksheet - the difference between objective and subjective texts

This worksheet can be used as a one on one tutoring resource. Alternatively, you can take activities from here to use as fast finishers or homework activities. This document introduces students to key terms like fact, opinion and embellishment. It includes sentences and paragraphs and challenges students to identify whether they are subjective/objective. It also provides some information about zoos and asks students to write a subjective and objective paragraph about the topic. The second section explores how verbs, adverbs and well-constructed, extended noun groups can position the reader to form an opinion or judge a person. It gives an example of a famous Australian and shows how by changing a few words you can change the connotation of the text. It includes comprehension questions to check the students understanding. In the third section, a subjective newspaper article about the Vietnam war is included for students to analyse. There are comprehension questions which follow this. The final section introduces students to the concept of tone and gives them a list of different words to describe the tone of a text. Students then look at an advertisement and have to suggest the tone. Subsequently, they read a bias newspaper article and answer questions about this. Finally, there is a writing activity for students which encourages them to write persuasively.
Autobiography 'Slave': Short story transformation assessment

Autobiography 'Slave': Short story transformation assessment

6 resources used to scaffold a short story assessment task for a year 12 authority English class in Queensland Australia. the task sheet explaining task requirements and the marking rubric. A PowerPoint further explaining the task. It also reviews the major elements of a narrative including:  plot (aka the structure), setting, characterisation, language devices and the types of narrator. a worksheet of planning steps the students should use prior to writing to ensure they have addressed all elements of the task. 4 & 5) two example assessments to go through with students to further exemplify the genre conventions they should be using. A peer review activity for students to complete prior to submitting their draft.
Autobiography 'Slave' - analyzing the text characterization, plot, setting and themes.

Autobiography 'Slave' - analyzing the text characterization, plot, setting and themes.

1) PowerPoint: The construction of characterization, plot and setting in Slave. This PowerPoint was designed to help prepare students for a short story assessment where they were to write from a marginalized character's perspective in the autobiography Slave. Within the lesson students will explore how Mende and her journalist co-write established characters and setting within the novel through the use of various writing techniques. 2) Document for students to take their notes into with extracts from the text for students to analyse.
Autobiography 'Slave' - History of Sudan

Autobiography 'Slave' - History of Sudan

6 resources utilised in a 12 English Authority unit in Queensland Australia. 1) A PowerPoint taking students through the history of Sudan. It begins by introducing students to key terms including: coup, constitution, fundamentalist, Islam, junta and secession. These terms are integral to understanding the events in Slave as the author's life was influenced by the political events occurring in society at the time. After a brief overview of the early history, it delves into the civil war (1980s-1990s). Lastly it looks at contemporary politics (since 2002). 2) A handout of the notes about the history of Sudan (which were taken from the Oxford dictionary of contemporary world history). This can be given to students who struggle to summarise or used for purposes of revision. 3) Further research about Slave and the Nuba culture. 4) A handout to be given to students at the beginning of the term explaining the purpose of the unit and outlining what the two items of assessment are. 5) A diagram which shows the various influences on the author as she wrote her autobiography.
Autobiography 'Slave' - Context. The customs of the Nuba people.

Autobiography 'Slave' - Context. The customs of the Nuba people.

Anyone who thinks that slavery went the way of the nineteenth century will be disabused of that belief when reading “Slave: My True Story”  written by Mende Nazer, a Sudanese Nuba, along with Damien Lewis, a British journalist. This book gives a chilling overview of the modern slave trade from the perspective of one who was victimized by it. Human trafficking, unfortunately, is alive and well as a weapon of war in the late twentieth and twenty-first century. This resource is a PowerPoint presentation designed for use in a 12 English Authority class in Queensland Australia. It introduces students to the concepts of cultural context and social situations and how both can influence the author. This lesson prepares students to answer the following question: What is the social impact of the text? i.e. is it recycling or reinforcing cultural assumptions? Within this lesson students will learn about the Nuba people – cultural practices e.g. scarification, beads, wrestling, religious beliefs, dwellings, diet, languages & female genital mutilation. In addition to information, images and videos of some of these are provided. It also includes some information about save trading in Sudan. At the end of the PowerPoint are some sample answers to the chapter questions for chapters 1-8.
Hunger Games: Feature article assessment task and scaffolding

Hunger Games: Feature article assessment task and scaffolding

A task sheet for a year 10 English assessment (Australian curriculum). Also provided is the planning and writing steps in a scaffolding document. The scaffolding is invaluable as it helps students to plan to address the key criteria prior to writing the task. In particular they evaluate how text structures and language features can be used to influence audience response.